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  • Writer's pictureAWBCE

This is our WA COVID-19 update for Sunday 10 May 2020.

Today we released WA's roadmap for the easing of restrictions over the coming weeks, including information about Phase 2 which will take effect on Monday 18 May. For information on those changes and to see WA's roadmap, please visit

It is important people are well informed on the virus, so as new information or advice becomes available we will continue to share it.


- Current cases -

With around 1700 additional tests completed since yesterday's update, no new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in Western Australia.

The State’s total number of cases remains 552.

There are still just 7 active cases in Western Australia – with six involving Western Australians and one involving a person from interstate.

To date there have been 55,758 COVID-19 tests performed in WA. Of those, 9,906 tests were carried out in regional WA.


- Testing -

Anyone in WA will now be assessed for a COVID-19 test if they present with ANY of the following: - a fever of 38°C or above OR - a documented history of a fever in the last few days OR - an acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat)

If you have these symptoms, please get tested, and help us identify every case of COVID-19 in WA as early as possible.


- COVID clinics -

Nine COVID clinics are now operational - all metropolitan area COVID clinics are operational between the hours of 10am-6pm, 7 days a week.

The clinics now open are at: - Royal Perth Hospital (Ground Floor, Ainslie House, 48 Murray Street) - Fiona Stanley Hospital (Allied Health 2, Gymnasiums, East End, Bedbrook Row) - Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (C Block, Hospital Avenue) - Armadale Health Service (Ground Floor, 3056 Albany Highway, Mount Nasura) - Rockingham General Hospital (Elanora Drive, Cooloongup) - Midland COVID Clinic: Front of St John of God Midland Hospital (access only via Yelverton Drive) - Joondalup COVID Clinic: Ground floor Joondalup Hospital (Car park P4, Regents Park Road - Enter via outside walkway between Specialist Medical West and Physiotherapy Department) - Bunbury Health Campus (Corner Bussell Highway and Robertson Drive, Bunbury) - open 10am-4pm - Broome Hospital (Robinson Street, Broome) - open 8:30am-4pm

In other regional areas, people should go to a public hospital, health service or remote health clinic. Please call ahead if you are concerned that you have contracted COVID-19.

Patients will be assessed and where appropriate tested, provided with appropriate information and referred for further medical treatment if necessary.

Those individuals who are tested and well enough, will be asked to self-isolate while they await test results.

Anyone who is confirmed to have COVID-19, who does not require hospitalisation will be required to stay in self-isolation as instructed by the public health team.

It is also extremely important that people who are unwell and are concerned they have COVID-19 should immediately self-isolate and then seek further medical advice.


- Additional testing -

Geraldton respiratory clinic:

The first respiratory clinic in Western Australia has opened in Geraldton.

Operating out of an existing GP clinic, the clinic will assess people who have mild to moderate symptoms and is part of the Federal Government’s roll out of dedicated respiratory clinics being set up across Australia.

Private pathology collection centres: Patients with a GP referral can be tested at 11 private pathology collection centres across the metropolitan area. Clinipath, Western Diagnostics and Australian Clinical Labs have dedicated these collection centres for COVID-19 testing. This is a pre-emptive measure to ensure the availability of facilities and prompt diagnosis can occur as winter and the influenza season approaches.

People in regional and remote areas can continue to present to more than 100 public hospitals, health services or remote area health clinics for testing.

The collection centres are: - Western Diagnostic Pathology - Duncraig, Myaree, Rockingham - Australian Clinical Labs - Booragoon, Mandurah, Ocean Reef, Subiaco - Clinipath - Cloverdale, Fremantle, Joondalup, West Leederville


- Closure of the WA border -

Western Australia's borders are now closed to travel from interstate.

An exempt traveller, who will be allowed into our State, must perform one of the following functions: - Health services - Emergency services - Transport, freight and logistics - Specialists skills, not available in WA, for industry or business continuity; - National or State security and governance; and - Courts and judicial services.

There are also exemptions for FIFO workers and their families, however strict 14-day quarantine measures will need to be followed, when they first enter the State.

Further exemptions will also apply on compassionate grounds.

More information and a list of exemptions can be found at

Additional, stricter directions apply to those coming to WA via the Kimberley, to protect people living in remote Aboriginal communities.

Western Australians who are aware of someone breaching a requirement to self-isolate - please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or WA Police on 131 444.


- Restrictions on travel within Western Australia -

Restrictions over travel between regions within Western Australia are now in effect.

Unless you fit an exempt category, you will not be able to leave whatever region of Western Australia you live in.

To be clear, those regions are: the Kimberley, Pilbara, Gascoyne, Mid-West, Goldfields-Esperance, Wheatbelt, Great Southern and South West. Due to their proximity and interconnected nature, Perth and Peel will be treated as one region.

The exempt categories include: travel for work purposes; to attend medical appointments; to transport freight; those who do not have access to groceries or supplies within their region; returning to a place of residence; where necessary to attend school or an educational institution; caring for family members; and approved compassionate grounds.

Check points and mobile police patrols will be in place to monitor travel across boundaries and ensure people are doing the right thing.

If your need to travel fits one of the exempt categories, please assist police by preparing documentation, such as a letter/email/SMS from an employer, to support your legitimate travel.

An additional restriction on intrastate travel applies for Esperance. Unless for essential purposes, no visits to Esperance will be permitted.


- Additional restrictions on travel for the Kimberley -

Measures have been implemented to stop the spread of COVID-19 to the Kimberley region.

Intra-regional boundaries, in line with the four local government areas (Shire of Broome, Derby West Kimberley, Wyndham East Kimberley, Halls creek) within the Kimberley region are now in place.

People must stay in their local government area. The existing exemptions apply, such as provision of essential services or supplies, medical reasons or residents returning to their home.

Residents who need to cross a regional boundary to return to their home, must self-isolate for 14 days. Kimberley residents are urged to stay home and cease all non-essential travel and activity. Indoor or outdoor activities of more than two people should be avoided, unless exempted. Anyone displaying symptoms should contact their local health facility immediately.


We are taking every precaution to protect Western Australia from COVID-19.

The Western Australian health system and our hospitals are very well prepared to manage infectious disease situations and have well established systems and processes in place.

The State Government is taking this very seriously – and we need to remain prepared for a pandemic. Every action we take and decision we make is to protect Western Australians. It is important that we all continue to remain calm and use common sense.

The best thing we can do to protect ourselves is quality personal hygiene and exercise social distancing by avoiding unnecessary personal contact.

That includes covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often with soap or sanitiser, staying home from work or school if unwell, avoiding shaking hands or hugging, and maintaining distance from others in public.

Please also continue to follow the advice of authorities and doctors - anyone who is instructed to self-isolate must take the order seriously, stay home and not put others at risk.

This means you don’t leave your property, you don’t go to work or school, you don’t go on outings and you don’t have visitors - only leave the house to seek medical attention.


Official information regarding COVID-19 in Western Australia - WA Department of Health information – National Coronavirus Helpline – 1800 020 080 WA COVID-19 health and information and advice - 13 COVID (13 26843) Smartraveller – information regarding travel advice for Australians -

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