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The Twic East Community Association in Western Australia (TECA-WA), which hosted.

The Twic East Community Association in Western Australia (TECA-WA), which hosted the incorporated women's song debut event, had outstanding success. We appreciate and would like to thank Anna Yar Majok, Amou Maketh, and the rest of the team for hosting such a vibrant event. We are grateful to the TECA-WA executive team for all their strenuous efforts to ensure the event was successful. I want to acknowledge the tremendous support our youth leader, Maketh Mayen Jok, has provided. We are grateful to Yellowish and their crew for preparing our younger members to perform on the day. We want to thank our Payam Leaders, Atem Deng, Jok Kuir, Dhieu Manyang, Jurkuch Deng, and Deng Geu, for their unwavering support of TECA-WA. You are the reason why TECA-WA exists. I am grateful for your financial assistance and your excellent leadership in our Payams. I thank the priests for their immense services to the community, and we thank Peter Deng Yaak for opening the event with a blessing and some wise words.

Acting Paramount Chief and Chief Executive Officer of Africa World Books Lual Reech Deng, was a guest of honour at TECA-WA's event and graciously agreed to do so. In addition, he has provided TECA-WA with considerable financial support.

I sincerely thank Mamer Yaak, President of the TECAA, and Lian Kurior, Women's President, for the beautiful speeches and support they delivered. Please accept my gratitude, Mama Liandit, for the gift you presented to the people of Western Australia. You recognise the immense and sincere contribution that we have made to TECAA over the years.

Thank you all for giving such an uplifting speech to our members and the other leaders in our community, especially Akuot Achiek Akuot, president of South Sudanese in Western Australia. TECA-WA, and on the same note, I acknowledge David Ajak Ajang, President of TECANSW, for his significant help during this process.

I want to thank every guest who made it to the event.

In the future, TECA-WA will provide you with additional information and updates concerning the development of our association.

I am grateful, and may God bless every one of you.

Every response: by Abraham Chol, president of Twi East Western Australia.

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