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South Sudan is in trouble. Few can foresee the uncertainties confronting the nation, but many people

The Foundation for the Traditional Council of Chiefs applauds Twic East present and former leaders in Australia for prioritising community wellbeing. I appreciate Ambassador Ajang Duot de Bior, the Chairperson of Twic East, for remaining committed to the movement and groups within Jonglei throughout the emancipation exertion.

I want to congratulate the Twic East Community Association and its members for leading successful fundraising activities to support vulnerable populations facing flood, medical instability, and poverty. I thank Akec G1, Michael Anyieth, and others who supported us throughout the programs. Your names will go down in Twic East history. I encourage Twic East members to continue to host fundraising events. I ask Twic East members to cease social media political debates and to strive towards solidarity and unity.

On behalf of the Foundation for the Traditional Council of Chiefs, I thank the Twic East medical team, led by Dr Jacob Atem in the United States, for the provision of medical supplies. I also thank Director of Twic East County Health Department Chol Leek Deng for recognising the help.

I call upon the government to end the fighting across the state. Our society is saddening. It is disheartening to watch such conflicts.

Red Cross helped South Sudanese people during the emancipation struggle. They airlifted injured individuals to safety, notwithstanding the provocations in Kenya. Why is the government declining to support the injured people it fought to free? “During a routine flight to Panyangoor, Jonglei State, South Sudan, Marial and the crew members (a Kenyan pilot and an Ethiopian co-pilot) brought people injured in the recent Murle attack in Panyangoor back to Juba.” Why would the government arrest those serving the lives of taxpayers and voters? I ask for these people to be freed as soon as possible. Extended conflicts in Jonglei State and Tonj must cease. Otherwise, the state is at risk of crashing. I recommend a panel led by Dr James Wani to include Dr Manyok PH I L L I P T O R MA NYOK, PHD who did his research about “cattle Rustling and Its Effects among Three Communities (Dinka, Murle and Nuer) in Jonglei State, South Sudan.” An independent South Sudan would have not been achieved without the input from farmers, cattle keepers, fishermen, enterprisers, and many other diverse people. We used to nominate our sons to engage in the war. Bullock, bulls, and corn were granted to SPLM/A. Communities have challenged the Foundation for the Traditional Council of Chiefs, stating that the SPLM/A’s vision died with Dr John Garang de Mabior. What is the contrast between the prevailing South Sudan Government and the former Sudanese government if we still face insecurity; insufficient roads, health centres, and schools; and no freedom of speech? We voted for a referendum, which was set to welcome a new South Sudan. Why do we continue to suffer at the hands of our government? All traditional chiefs need a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan. Sons and daughters, who returned to take part in nation-building, have been killed. Australian and American South Sudanese people have been killed recently South Sudan. Do you care about South Sudan’s image in the eyes of the world? If you do, stop killing people, and stop sharing pictures of the deceased. It shocked me to see the picture of Wol Agok and other people from Tonj shared on social media. This is depressing and disturbing. It must stop.

References Manyok P. (2017). Cattle rustling and its effects among three communities (Dinka, Murle and Nuer) in Jonglei State, South Sudan. Doctoral dissertation. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from NSUWorks, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Conflict Resolution Studies.

By Acting Chief Peter Lual Deng

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