During the state election last Saturday, I helped hand out how-to-vote cards at St Denis Primary School. I met many friendly voters and people from various parties.
The significant role played by the Western Australian Government during the COVID-19 crisis earned the WA Labor Party victory. I congratulate all elected officials from all parties, and I offer special congratulations to Hon Ayor Makur and Deng Achol.
South Sudanese people were surprised because they could not believe that one of their own could be elected. Multiculturalism is real. Australians are graceful and caring. However, people must work for their goals.
When Hon Ayor Makur was elected, it was no coincidence. She worked for it; she reaped what she sowed. People who saw her ability to serve gave her a chance. Thus, I appeal to young people. Join political parties in Australia.
There are benefits to being a financial member of a party. Let those who want to pursue politics join the parties. Leave community Incorporated Associations to non-politicians.
During the election, I was one of only two volunteers of African origin at St Denis Primary School. I encourage people to get involved in serving this great nation. It needs all of our efforts.
Learning and working are challenging. I congratulate people who have graduated from university this month for their commitment and achievements.
Education does not end at university. It is continuous and can be used to better your life and the lives of others. Think sharply, and notice the opportunities around you. Seek assistance, and it will be easy to serve humankind.
I miss a lot of community events because of time constraints, and I apologise for this.
Africa World Books Community Education is aiming to teach Dinka language next term. I thank the President of SSAWA, Akuot Aciek, and his team for serving the community.
Other languages will be considered once learning, and reading materials are developed. We thank those who give their time and resources to teach children and develop language study materials. Candidates, you are talented sons and daughters of Twi East who aspires to serve your community. You deserve appreciation from us for offering your valuable time and resources for the benefit of the community locally and internationally.
I wish the Twi East Association’s 2021 candidates peaceful campaigns and successful elections.
By Peter Deng the Acting Chief of Twi East in Australia.