Myths and Folktales Book Review
by Nyanluak Yaak, I have just finished reading "Myths and Folktales'' by Jacob Jiel Akol. The myths and folktales contained in the book were introduced to entertain children as well as adults at night, either around the hearth within the family compound or inside the hut before people slept. However, to prevent nightmares, they would perform a ritual and warn the people listening not to interrupt when the story was being presented. But, when the reader said, "Our old house," the audience would respond, "all of us," and each story would begin, "This is an ancient story."Additionally, I love "Myths and Folktales" because these stories allow me to read and understand the tales that my relatives have listened to for years. "Jelbek the Lion" is, in my opinion, my favorite tale in this collection. This story's structure and how Bol went above and beyond to restore what he had lost for Bul and the lives that have been lost because of Jelbek. I particularly love the tale of "How Jieng Got the Cow,". This myth appeals to me because it explains why South Sudanese, especially the cattle-owning people, value cattle highly. They are an essential survival factor, and they regard them so highly that they even fight over them. Finally, I must mention how much I enjoy the folktale "The Fox and His Brother-in-Law." It demonstrates the need to be realistic. For instance, if you try to imitate someone, you will fail since they are the only ones who can do it successfully. These are only a few explanations for why I suggest reading Jacob J. Akol's book "Myths and Folktales." It is a fantastic book for introducing the reader to African folktales and myths that are part of their oral culture. The reviewer is a 14-year-old daughter of Rev Jacob Atem Aruei Yaak and Ms Mary Akuol Ajang Yuot. She lives with her parents and siblings in the USA. She is in year 8. Nyanluak is a grandniece to the journalist and writer, Atem Yaak Atem.