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Asked, "what is a cow"?

It depends on whom you ask:

- To the American cowboy, it is beef;

- To Dinka tribesman; it is honor;

- To global warming ideologue, it is an environmental hazard, as are gas stoves;

- To a Hindu, it is a sacred being;

- To a cattle rustler, it is a temptation to commit crimes;

- to a farmer, it is a destroyer of crops;

- To a young Nilotic suitor, it is the bride price;

But if you ask a calf, she would say, that is dear mother.

Now ask a South Sudanese what the country is to him. Here to view will vary.

- if businessman, national or expatriate, it is wealth to exploit;

- if a simple folk, it is all they have;

- if politically conscious, it is home to adorn and enjoy, else, a hell to hate and flee;

- if the holder of public office, a politician, the country is a contract with citizens, a promise to keep and guard jealously, or a sword to brandish and beat contrarians with, to conformity;

- To a sellout, the country is merchandise;

- if a patriot, motherland is a must to love, provide for, develop, and protect. In her, the old retire, and into her womb, all return;

In her care, parents trust children's children. When motherland is healthy, posterity will find her wealthy; but if exploited, abandoned to scavengers to rip apart, scar her in the face, and abuse her in creative evil ways, motherland recoils, turns cold and unfeeling; no more a giver or nurturer, as good as dead, simply an object for the heartless to vent on, punch and beat.

Unlike human mothers, the motherland must survive posterity if life were to go on. Should she die first or be arrested and enslaved, her children will be vassals to ruthless nations that have been kind to their own.

What is South Sudan to you?

Raphael Abiem

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