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Thriving again on the other side, and our vibrancy as a community after COVID-19.

Thriving again on the other side, and our vibrancy as a community after COVID-19

As the Western Australia state government is easing up on emergency rules and safety precautionary measures and to allow business to reopen and small gathering of people both indoor and outdoor, our community is preparing to resume the suspended activities that were place on hold during the Covid-19 pandemic. As you are all aware, that the safety of our community members is our priority and we will continue to follow the government advice. It is in the best interest to re-engage our community and start the activities during the government four-phase roadmap recovery and safety plan.

I just want to inform you that you’re not alone in this crises, your community executive committee have put together the objectives in place around what we want the future of our community to look like after COVID -19. The committee have numinously agreed last week in the weekly update meeting to wait for phase three of WA roadmap to start some of the activities that were suspended as a result of the current pandemic. Phase three may look very far, but as you know the safety of our community members is paramount as to the rest of other west Australians community members.

I just want to inform you that you’re not alone in this crises, your community executive committee have put together the objectives in place around what we want the future of our community to look like after COVID -19. During the last week meeting, the committee have agreed to wait for phase three of the WA roadmap to start the activities that were suspended as a result of current pandemic.

As Australia and particularly WA is on the winning side of the virus, on behalf of the Management Committee, I want to thank all our Ethnic community Leaders, Faith Base Leaders, Volunteers and every member of our community for their contributions in helping stop the spread of this deadly virus. Your resiliency and flexibility to adapt into new ways of doing things have significantly help stop the communal infection. As your community representative, we have spent our valuable time to help our community members who were desperately in needs during the pandemic. We have shared important information and our creativity for the benefits of community, and I think this crisis will help us to navigate ways on how we can invest in our future as South Sudanese West Australians.

The Management Committee have agreed to start planning for the community activities now and start them at small scale and with activities that are doable and practical to generate the interest and to restore the vibrancy and to boost up the resilience of our community.

The Committee is putting in place a framework, or the recovery plan and crisis management plan to help the committee and the whole community in adjusting to any challenges that might arise during and after the post COVID – 19 and to make it easy to implement initiatives that may create better conditions for our community members in Western Australia.

Please continues to stay safe with your families.

Kind regards,

John Akuot Aciek President of South Sudanese Community in Western Australia.

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