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  • Writer's pictureAWBCE


Of course, the central topic of this opinion is my beloved Bor community, Bor Globally. We are at the tipping point, or call it the breaking or boiling point. Any time such as this dictates the turning point of the people. Their economic value, their political capital, and their social viability are affected. This last sentence seems ambiguous, but those whose attention is drawn by the dictions such as “tipping”, “breaking”, “ boiling “, and “turning “, know what I mean by “affected”—yes all those terms prescribed what “affected” means; it’s negative. Wherever we are, all those that define us have been corrupted and disrupted. In terms of religious beliefs, the Church has been handed over to young people; those whose blood boils in search of worldly pleasures: wealth, fame, and women. We think the Church that once defined us as Boor still does the same today! The blessed architect, the greatest evangelist who ever walked our land is praying every day in the quietness of his private life for peace, prosperity in the land, and the return of those who fled to the distant shores. “Don’t be troubled”, he said in one of his sincere preachings. We are at a religious tipping point. The mighty wrestling, the activity in which the pride of a single lead wrestler was the pride of all villagers, and sometimes contagious to all villages with common ancestors and names, is infected and sickened by politics and money. Now it’s worthless and doesn’t define us. We are at a breaking point. Unity and leadership used to define us. Now they don’t. We have argued, insulted one another, and disintegrated nearly in all continents we have sought refuge. We are at a turning point. This paragraph (unity and leadership) is the heart of this opinion. So, before I ventured into my opinion, I declare that I am not a saint, or among the best or “potential” leaders who would be the prime examples in this opinion. I am not going to name names, but I mention the qualities for rightful owners to take their shares. In the West, our beloved Community, the majestic Bor community is affected by the issues of unity and leadership. Unity depends on leadership, and leadership survives and thrives in unity. whether my hands bear the shreds of evidence of destruction or otherwise, I stand to face my contribution in Bor Australia. Bor Australia’s unity and leadership is a spilled milk, thus awaiting a major intervention. But my flight and fight in this opinion is for the milk in the troubling container, the milk not yet spilled: the unity and leadership of Bor-USA. Quite frankly, I have listened to a fair number of live videos, and I was amazed at how my brothers expressed their sides of the story. There’s no doubt that we have enough best leaders. Two types of leaders make people small. There are those leaders who settle in a mindset of shining all corners of a community. They address issues in a manner that brings the best out of all members. They acknowledge their mistakes; they acknowledge the anger of other members. They make the community big by making themselves small. So, along with these leaders, you become small because they make you see something that’s bigger than all of you. While other leaders make you small by digging deep into themselves to bury you with their secret weapons, the ones that make them strong when not known. Their words make you small because these leaders are mean, and they mean what they say. However, do all these disqualify them as good leaders? Not really. Only they are in a different time; leadership comes in shades. So, it’s up to the people to elect the right leaders at the right time. And when there’s a misunderstanding, some leaders are best left alone without initiating debates with them. For they have a seasoned oratory skills. A short story along this line (take it as a fiction if you wish): In the Kenyan education system of 8-4-4, the debate as a lesson is included in either standard 7/8 English textbook. From there, the debate becomes a part and parcel of the education system. In secondary schools, a debate has a registered clubs, small associations in which their members organise members’ debates, and general debates that involve the whole schools. They (Debate Clubs members) could organise the general debates once a month. For those unfamiliar with arrangements in the debates, especially those ones that model the parliamentary debates, the house is divided into two: Proposers and Opposers. A mover of the debate topic comes from the proposers’ side.Timekeeper only keeps the time; he times every speaker that takes the floor to speak. The Speaker of the parliament moderates all the debates and keeps them moving forward. S/he’s respected by all participants. This is to avoid being expelled from the debate. The Attorney-General represents the President, and is responsible for the interpretation of laws and legislation. So, the Attorney-General answers any question that’s directed to the President during a debate. Once, in school, Daniel used to take the attorney-General role in debates. By this time, Daniel Torotich Arap Moi was ruling Kenya. President Moi had many infamous charges held against him by Kenyans. One of these charges was the mysterious death of Dr. John Robert Ouko. The second infamous charge was the Goldenberg scandal. The third was the silencing of political opposition, or multiparty. One of these charges could take ten minutes in being answered satisfactorily. Daniel used to answer all of them satisfactorily to the extent of getting ovations— thunderous and prolonged handclaps. To be continued... This story application in this opinion is, sometimes it’s hard to defeat some people by reasoning with them by yourself. They could be trained orators who turn both strengths and weaknesses of your arguments to benefit their own position. Some readers would think I am defending the contrarians, but that isn’t my intention. I intend to make you see a “devil” today could be an “angel”, or a “saviour” tomorrow. Maybe his oratory skills could save our position at some other time when we need it saved by “ Any means necessary”. With this line of reasoning, I am appealing to those brothers in the US to listen to one another’s reasons. Respect with best regards will surely help. Otherwise, these “Changes would become the enablers that diminish the whole, our beloved Bor community. Be blessed, Be at peace. ~ Makwei ~

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