Leadership Matter: The Case of Twic's future and Leadership of Uncle Bior Ajang Duot
By Kuek Aleu Garang
Leadership matters in any society and for the well-being of humanity. Leadership guides the success of a community; a community that lacks leadership inadequately progresses, leading to an undefinable future. This is the very reason choosing a community's flagship is essential - a bad leader gives birth to a lousy society, and such a leader's roles deserve community destitution. On the contrary, a great leader full of wisdom, who knows society's needs and brings forth satisfactory outcomes, fetches a prosperous, flourishing community.
Over decades and decades, the Twic community has been blessed with distinguished leaders, whether during peacetime or a time of profound challenges. Considerable leaders from past generations toiled hard, laid climacteric foundations, and prepared and positioned the current generation to achieve what they fell short of accomplishing. The bedrock of the Twic community's prosperity lies in good leadership that guards and persuades people to work formidably toward a progressive society.
For the last three years, Twic East County has been under floodwater, forcing people out of their homes and displacing them within South Sudan, even as far as neighboring countries in refugee camps. Few people remained in Twicland, incredibly determined young people fighting hard to maintain the headquarters of Twic East - their grit and perseverance make Twicland call home - they are our heroes; without them, the deserted land wouldn't be home. The flood submerges virtually all of Twicland, but there are areas eastward that are spot-dry where people can resettle.
The displacement of our people is a significant threat to Twic Dinka's existence should it not be addressed promptly and thoughtfully. Displaced people might not return home, making it onerous for Twic Community to conserve their cradle land. This, nevertheless, is correspondingly a threat to the political representation of the Twic East People. When the government holds a national census before the 2024 election, the Twic population will certainly be smaller - meaning political redistricting of a territorial-based electoral system will affect the representation of Twic East county’s people. Twic should prepare ahead of the national census to circumvent consequences - the census determines political representation, and the current political manifestations at the state and federal levels will be impacted. Nevertheless, political underrepresentation would be avoided if we prepare to take our people home ahead of the government census.
What would the leadership of uncle Bior Ajang Duot and other leaders of the Twic Community prioritize?
At times of challenges, community resilience is defined by how people respond to the crisis threatening the community's existence. The Twic community is at a crossroads facing several challenges that require immediate and decisive well- sorted decision-making. The most significant issues confronting Twic people are insecurity, flooding, and displacement.
The Twic various leadership under Bior Ajang has daunting tasks and decisions to make to save the future of the Twic Community. Now more than ever, people need leadership that will give direction and defines the Twic community's future. This can not be done without solid and decisive leadership.
Twic has undoubtedly got the best leadership under uncle Bior Ajang Duot that will determine the destiny of the Twic community. This is not the first time uncle Bior Ajang has stepped up to save the future and restore the hope of his people. In 1991 after Dr. Riek’s rebellion destroyed Twic and uprooted people from their land, uncle Bior was sent to defend and restore hope, and he succeeded in accomplishing that task. Currently, it isn’t a coincidence but God’s intention; uncle Bior is the chairman of the Twic Community at a time when flooding displaced almost the entire population of Twic. This, again, is a call for purpose, and uncle Bior should not take it lightly.
1: Uncle Bior's leadership and other various leadership plus diaspora leadership should first call a community convention to discuss and decide on a concrete plan to encounter those mentioned challenges
At difficult times, people think and make difficult decisions to get themselves out of challenges. Crisis moments define how people respond to prevent future occurrences instead of giving in. The Twic community is at a crucial time to develop and execute a community vision that would be a core benefit for society in centuries to come. Great societies are defined by their mega plan, and it's in Twic best interest to make a reasonable well-sorted plan at this critical time.
2: Establishing a roadmap and plan to bring people back home and how to maintain and protect them when they go back home - this also would be a blueprint after the Twic convention decides the future of the Twic Community.
3: Consolidating various leadership to smooth out the flow of command and responsibility as one community under one mission. The community's leadership with well-defined channels and knowing specific roles and responsibilities one can play is a prerequisite for good results.
Paan Twic needs direction and vision to serve its community. A society that is potentially blessed with human resources always comes strong. Twic community is blessed with the most imaginative human resources. Our people are significant assets and remarkably consistent people in accomplishing goals. These are defining moments Twic community should purposefully unite its ranks for a collective vision - an excellent plan for the following centuries. Over time, resiliency and hard work have driven Twic's ability to become influential in difficult moments. The current flooding is a crisis and a testing condition for the Twic community to define its destiny. Thus, uncle Bior's leadership has a responsibility to move our community out of crisis and display a futuristic vision ascertaining the Twic community more robust than before.