I am always happy to share my involvements and extend opportunities to engage with others who are dedicated to similar efforts. I am sharing now to extend publishing opportunities for scholarly essays, written by Native American scholars, about our cultural, religious, academic, or personal perspectives of the animal world. The essays that will be peer-reviewed and featured in a special edition of the International Journal of Comparative Psychology (IJCP). As a member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Comparative Psychology I take seriously the invitation to serve as Guest Editor for a special edition of IJCP whose content will feature Native American perspectives. The special edition will include my essay which examines the history of Native American scholars in the field of Comparative Psychology, their challenges, and insights they offer on the use of animals as research subjects. My intention is for this special edition to better inform the future of Comparative Psychology by understanding Indigenous perspectives and to give voice, and perhaps agency, to animals utilized in the sciences. As Guest Editor, I will aim to amplify Indigenous voice so that we, whether members of the academy, the sciences, or other fields, can all learn more from one another about humanity and the interwoven relationships that connect us to our animal relatives. Please contact me here or via email to collaborate about writing for the special edition or future editions of the International Journal of Comparative Psychology. This is an important step forward for the journal, Native Americans in the sciences, and for the animals who have long been overlooked as also having a voice. -- Janna L. M. Rogers, Oklahoma Native American Network (ONAN) Transnational Cross-Cultural Forums, USA (JRHD1415@gmail.com)
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